Thursday, January 24, 2013


Finally, I'm back to writing and working on a book. It's been a strange cold, dry spell. I know why I got back to it. My wife laid it on the line. "You're too old to ever make any money to amount to anything playing music, so get back to writing."

I guess that was the motivation I needed. Plus, the fact that we're broke.

But as always, there is a conflict: the writing has started to flow while I'm busy working up tunes with a blues band I'm in. Why does life always throw too much at us? Why must we make choices? I really want to get this novel churned out. I'm gong to self publish if I don't get an agent ... and I have a hunch people are gonna buy it. So how do I do both?


  1. I'll buy a copy of your book, Mitch, and I'll write a glowing review about it for my blog!

  2. Cool. Now I've got to write the damn thing. Lol
