Friday, June 17, 2016

Write on, Right on, Write on writers ... Equal opportunity has arrived

The great thing about living in the post 9/11 world is that you no longer have to fear obscurity. Rest assured that somebody, somewhere, will read whatever you write. It doesn’t matter if it’s the next great American novel or if it's so damn boring that your friends have to scroll past your posts in order to stave off another suicide attempt; either way, somebody will read it. There once was a time when even the best of writers couldn’t get anybody to read their stuff. But now everybody has equal opportunity. Every thing anybody writes will be read: it’ll probably by some poor sot working the midnight shift in a ran down, three story row house in the worst end of Chicago that’s being used as a covert operation by a shady company that secured a Pentagon contract to screen certain criteria of internet bloggers and facebook posts, but rest assured it will be read. Prior to 9/11, you could write about your secret desires to draw pictures of the Prophet Mohammad with a broom stick size dildo stuck up his ass and all it did was reinforce the fact that your mother repeatedly warned you that you might be a pervert as you were struggling through those years of budding hormones. But if you share your perverted, racist, sick wacko shit today, somewhere, somebody is going to have to read it and decide whether or not to send the FBI knocking on your door, or some crazy, ideological rag-head fanatic claiming allegiance to the latest psycho crazed Islamic cult will send 10,000 jihadist to assassinate your stupid ass; but either way, it will be read. So, if you want recognition as a writer, just go ahead, let the world know all the sick thoughts that swim through that cesspool mind of yours and before long, you’ll either be on the world news as the latest fool that has been martyred for freedom by some soon-to-be forgotten group of jihadist or you'll have a free computer in the prison library to practice your craft and a certified security guard to edit every damn word you write. But at least in this day and age you have a guaranteed readership. So write on brother, rant on sister.

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