Friday, January 31, 2014

Only So Many

There are only so many great nights left,
That's the thought that gets us all

but we don't want to think about it,
we don't want to hear last call 

But in the end, will it be gone? 
Will all memory be erased?

Will we have run the race,
only to be disgraced? 

Say it is not so, 
let it not be so unkind

Let us have this night,
Let it never slip from mind

Let us hold it deep within our heart
though we knew it could not last

it was more than a dream
More than a moment's passed

We never thought of tomorrow'
nor the rising sun

laughter out weighed our sorrow 
It was so much fun! 

Oh, for the night 
the Long night,

the candle burned so bright ...
but now it bids us goodnight ..

There are only so many 
Only so many. 

Mitchell Plumlee ( c ) 2014